Watch Tracie Berry-McGhee outline how to create trauma-sensitive spaces for students.

Students who have suffered trauma are far more likely to experience academic failure. To combat this tendency – with female students in particular – Tracie Berry-McGhee suggests creating trauma-sensitive spaces for students within the school where girls can meet to address issues.

Watch Tracie Berry-McGhee outline how to create trauma-sensitive spaces for students.

Founder of the SistaKeeper Empowerment Center, Tracie is also the author of SistaKeeper: Poetry for the SoulI’m a Keeper and OWN your NOW.  She will present pre-conference sessions and breakout sessions in Innovative Schools Summit Atlanta and San Antonio.

In 2019, the At-Risk & Struggling Student Conference will be coming to Atlanta (June 18th-22nd) and San Antonio (November 14th-17th) as part of the Innovative Schools Summit. The At-Risk & Struggling Students Conference focuses on evidence-based programs and strategies that educators can use to prevent dropouts and to help students experience success in school. Join us in Atlanta and San Antonio to gain valuable insights and to explore practical ways to help this critical portion of your school’s population.

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